OPI quickstart available at github

Some of our users have mentioned for us that they might be willing to help out with information that can be used in our manual. The current manual is now available on github: https://github.com/opi-github/manual We would be very happy for all contributions, nothing is better than having your users help you describing how …

Whats up?

I would like to take some time to talk about what is going on with development on OPI right now. This since it have been quiet on what is happening for a while. Our main development focus right now is upgrading the mail configuration and infrastructure supporting this. Managing email …

OPI software 1.1 released

After some delay we are proud to finally announce the first major software update for OPI. Being the first update of OPI this is mainly a bugfix release fixing bugs discovered since the initial release. Detailed information on the release can be found in the forum announcement OPI software 1.1 …

Backlog completed!

Good news, this Monday we completed shipping of all units that where ordered during our Indiegogo campaign. All of those and all orders that have built up since then have now been sent out.   Me and PA would once again thank everyone who have supported us by purchasing a …