Certificate manger updated

Kinguard and OpenProducts today updated the certhandler responsible for managing trusted certificates using Lets Encrypt. This since there where problems renewing certificates. If you have automatic updates enabled the upgrade should be installed within a day. If not it is recommended to do a manual update. Should there be any …

Glitch on OPI updates

Some of you might have gotten an email alerting you that OPI failed to fetch updates. This is due to us moving the OPI software repository from one server to another.  The error message can safely be ignored and everything should update correctly tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

KEEP Software update

  To follow up on PAs updates on KEEP hardware, which is nearing completion in a quick pace, it is now time to do the same with regards to the software development. Those not familiar with KEEP. KEEP is the followup to OPI a 100% open source mini server that …