Online shop closed

Unfortunately we have needed to close the online shop for KEEP and its predecessor OPI. The cost for producing and selling hardware with the small volumes that we have can not compete with the services provided online “free” of charge. People either do not seem to care or understand what …

Certificate manger updated

Kinguard and OpenProducts today updated the certhandler responsible for managing trusted certificates using Lets Encrypt. This since there where problems renewing certificates. If you have automatic updates enabled the upgrade should be installed within a day. If not it is recommended to do a manual update. Should there be any …

Kinguard Update 18.06.2

A couple of packages were updated today, including the web-mail application. Main issue targeted was file uploads to both Nextcloud and Roundcube (files and mail applications). More information about the release can be found on The Kinguard Project forum. This has the effect that any existing connections from the web-mail …