OPI manual updated

I took a moment today to update the manual as well so that is reflects the changes made to the UI in 1.3. It is available here for download: http://media.openproducts.com/quickstart.pdf As said before, if you want to contribute, feel free to do so, it is available on github: https://github.com/opi-github/manual

Easter update

Easter… Typical April weather here up north, sunny and nice and warm. Then the sun hides behind a cloud, the wind picks up a bit and suddenly you are sitting freezing half to death. Some of you have asked us what is going on with OPI, and I must admit …

OPI quickstart available at github

Some of our users have mentioned for us that they might be willing to help out with information that can be used in our manual. The current manual is now available on github: https://github.com/opi-github/manual We would be very happy for all contributions, nothing is better than having your users help you describing how …